Ceph Blog
- OpenStack at the CephDays Paris
by shan
Save the date September 18, 2014 and join us at the new edition of the Ceph Days in Paris. I will…
- OpenStack: use ephemeral and persistent root storage for different hypervisors
by shan
Computes with Ceph image backend and computes with local image backend. At some point, you might…
- What cinder volume is missing an RBD object ?
by loic
Although it is extremely unlikely to loose an object stored in Ceph, it is not impossible. When it…
- Ceph Node.js Bindings for Librados
by laurentbarbe
123456789var cluster new rados.Rados "ceph", "client.admin", "etccephceph.conf";cluster.connect;var…
- Ceph: mix SATA and SSD within the same box
by shan
The use case is simple, I want to use both SSD disks and SATA disks within the same machine and…
- Update: OpenStack Summit Paris 2014 - CFS
by dalgaaf
An update on my talk submission for the OpenStack summit this year in Paris: my speech about Ceph…
- Ceph Primary Affinity
by laurentbarbe
This option allows you to answer a fairly constant worry in the case of heterogeneous cluster.…
- v0.84 released
by sage
The next Ceph development release is here! This release contains several meaty items, including…
- Scallable Thumbnaling Service With Thumbor and Ceph
by laurentbarbe
An example of using the python-ceph library for thumbnailing service.Thumbor is an opensource tool…
- Tell teuthology to use a local ceph-qa-suite directory
by loic
By default teuthology will clone the ceph-qa-suite repository and use the tasks it contains. If…
- v0.67.10 Dumpling released
by sage
This stable update release for Dumpling includes primarily fixes for RGW, including several issues…
- RBD Replication
by laurentbarbe
A simple exemple to make Replication for RBD.Based on this post from scuttlemonkey :…
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