Ceph Blog

  • Deep Scrub Distribution

    by syndicated

    To verify the integrity of data, Ceph uses a mechanism called deep scrubbing which browse all your…

  • v0.67.2 Dumpling released

    by sage

    This is an imporant point release for Dumpling. Most notably, it fixes a problem when upgrading…

  • Configure Ceph RBD caching on OpenStack Nova

    by shan

    By default, OpenStack doesn’t use any caching. However, you might want to enable the RBD caching.As…

  • Ceph OSD : Where Is My Data ?

    by laurentbarbe

    The purpose is to verify where my data is stored on the Ceph cluster.For this, I have just create a…

  • v0.61.8 Cuttlefish released

    by sage

    We’ve made another point release for Cuttlefish. This release contains a number of fixes that are…

  • Ceph Dumpling

    by nwl

    The Ceph community just finished its latest three-month cycle of development, culminating in a new…

  • v0.67.1 Dumpling released

    by sage

    This is a bug fix release for Dumpling that resolves a problem with the librbd python bindings…

  • v0.67 Dumpling released

    by sage

    Another three months have gone by, and the next stable release of Ceph is ready: Dumpling! Thank…

  • Samba Shadow_copy and Ceph RBD

    by laurentbarbe

    I add script to create snapshot on rbd for use with samba shadowcopy2. For more details go on…

  • Test Ceph Persistant Rbd Device

    by laurentbarbe

    Create persistant rbd device Create block device and map it with etccephrbdmap12345 rbd create…

  • Don't Forget Unmap Before Remove Rbd

    by laurentbarbe

    1234 rbd rm rbdmyrbdRemoving image: 99 complete...failed.2013-08-02 14:07:17.530470 7f3ba2692760 -1…

  • Using Ceph-deploy

    by syndicated

    Install the ceph cluster On each node : create a user “ceph” and configure sudo for nopassword…

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