Ceph Blog
- Join Us for the Relaunch of the Ceph User + Developer Monthly Meeting!
by Laura Flores
Introduction We’re happy to announce a relaunch of the Ceph User Developer Monthly Meeting – a…
- v16.2.14 Pacific released
by Yuri Weinstein
This is the fourteenth backport release in the Pacific series.Notable Changes CEPHFS: After…
- v18.2.0 Reef released
by Laura Flores
Reef is the 18th stable release of Ceph. It is named after the reef squid Sepioteuthis.This is the…
- Reddit Challenge Accepted - Is 10k IOPS achievable with NVMes?
by Mark Nelson (nhm)
Hello Ceph community! It's that time again for another blog post! Recently, a user on the ceph…
- v16.2.13 Pacific released
by yuriw
This is the thirteenth backport release in the Pacific series.Notable Changes CEPHFS: Rename the…
- Celebrating one exabyte of Ceph storage!
by Yaarit Hatuka
We are excited to announce we have reached the 1 exabyte milestone of Ceph storage, reported…
- v16.2.12 Pacific released
by yuriw
This is a hotfix release that resolves several performance flaws in ceph-volume,particularly during…
- v17.2.6 Quincy released
by yuriw
This is the sixth backport release in the Quincy series. We recommend all users update to this…
- Ceph Reef Freeze Part 2: RGW Performance
by Mark Nelson (nhm)
AbstractThe Ceph community recently froze the upcoming Reef release of Ceph and today we are…
- Ceph Reef Freeze Part 1: RBD Performance
by Mark Nelson (nhm)
AbstractThe Ceph community recently froze the upcoming Reef release of Ceph and today we are…
- Introducing the new Dashboard Landing Page
by Pedro Gonzalez Gomez
Ceph Dashboard and The Landing page Ceph Dashboard is a web-based management and monitoring…
- Cephalocon 2023 Call For Proposals Extended!
by Mike Perez
We heard your feedback on the short notice for the Call forProposals and haveextended the deadline…
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