Ceph Blog

  • v0.61.3 released

    by sage

    This is a much-anticipated point release for the v0.61 Cuttlefish stable series. It resolves a…

  • Ceph integration in OpenStack: Grizzly update and roadmap for Havana

    by shan

    What a perfect picture, a Cephalopod smoking a cigar! Updates! The OpenStack developer summit was…

  • v0.63 released

    by sage

    Another sprint, and v0.63 is here. This release features librbd improvements, mon fixes, osd…

  • State of the union: Ceph and Citrix

    by scuttlemonkey

    Since last month saw huge amounts of OpenStack news coming out of the Developer Summit in Portland,…

  • ViPR: A software-defined storage mullet?

    by nwl

    Almost every few weeks, new storage products are announced by competitors and I generally avoid…

  • Deploying Ceph with ceph-deploy

    by scuttlemonkey

    If you have deployed Ceph recently without the assistance of an orchestration tool like Chef or…

  • v0.62 released

    by sage

    This is the first release after cuttlefish. Since most of this window was spent on stabilization,…

  • v0.61.2 released

    by sage

    This release has only two changes: it disables a debug log by default that consumes disk space on…

  • Incremental Snapshots with RBD

    by scuttlemonkey

    While Ceph has a wide range of use cases, the most frequent application that we are seeing is that…

  • Deploy a Ceph MDS server

    by shan

    How-to quickly deploy a MDS server.Assuming that varlibcephmdsmds.id is the mds data point.Edit…

  • What a Year 1!

    by bryan

    Back in January I posted about how Inktank’s momentum was accelerating. Well, to say this trend is…

  • v0.61.1 released

    by sage

    This release is a small update to Cuttlefish that fixes a problem when upgrading a bobtail cluster…

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