Ceph Blog
- Experimenting with the Ceph REST API
by dmsimard
Like I mentioned in my previous post, Ceph has a REST API now. That opens a lot of…
- Benchmarking Ceph erasure code plugins
by loic
The erasure code implementation in Ceph relies on the jerasure library. It is packaged into a…
- Real size of a Ceph RBD image
by shan
RBD images are thin-provisionned thus you don’t always know the real size of the image. Moreover,…
- v0.73 released
by sage
This release, the first development release after emperor, includes many bug fixes and a few…
- RBD image bigger than your Ceph cluster
by shan
Some experiment with gigantic overprovisioned RBD images.First, create a large image, let’s 1…
- Profiling CPU usage of a ceph command (callgrind)
by loic
After compiling Ceph from sources with:.configure --with-debug CFLAGS'-g' CXXFLAGS'-g'The crushtool…
- The Ceph User Committee is born
by scuttlemonkey
If you have been keeping an eye on the Ceph mailing lists you probably noticed the recent launch of…
- Profiling CPU usage of a ceph command (gperftools)
by loic
After compiling Ceph from sources with:.configure --with-debug CFLAGS'-g' CXXFLAGS'-g'The crushtool…
- Testing a Ceph crush map
by loic
After modifying a crush map it should be tested to check that all rules can provide the specified…
- Ceph RADOS benchmarks replica impacts
by shan
Some figures from a RADOS bench.The test maintained an IO concurrency of 1. Basically, we sent IOs…
- Ceph Osd Reweight
by laurentbarbe
ceph healthHEALTHWARN 1 near full osdsArrhh, Trying to optimize a little weight given to the OSD.…
- Ceph has a REST API!
by dmsimard
Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance,…
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