Ceph Blog

  • v10.0.4 released

    by sage

    This is the fourth and last development release before Jewel. The next release will be a release…

  • v9.2.1 Infernalis released

    by sage

    This Infernalis point release fixes several packagins and init script issues, enables the librbd…

  • v0.94.6 Hammer released

    by sage

    This Hammer point release fixes a range of bugs, most notably a fix for unbounded growth of the…

  • v10.0.3 released

    by sage

    This is the fourth development release for Jewel. Several big pieces have been added this release,…

  • v10.0.2 released

    by sage

    This development release includes a raft of changes and improvements for Jewel. Key additions…

  • Community Update: Welcome to 2016!

    by scuttlemonkey

    It has been quite a while since a coordinated Ceph update has made it to the Ceph blog, so I…

  • v10.0.0 released

    by sage

    This is the first development release for the Jewel cycle. We are off to a good start, with lots of…

  • v0.80.11 Firefly released

    by sage

    This is a bugfix release for Firefly. As the Firefly 0.80.x series is nearing its planned end of…

  • Melbourne Ceph Day - A recap with videos

    by timhildred

    In case you didn’t know, Ceph Days are a series of regular events in support of the Ceph community…

  • v9.2.0 Infernalis released

    by sage

    This major release will be the foundation for the next stable series. There have been some major…

  • v0.94.5 Hammer released

    by sage

    This Hammer point release fixes a critical regression in librbd that can cause QemuKVM to crash…

  • v0.94.4 Hammer released

    by sage

    This Hammer point fixes several important bugs in Hammer, as well as fixing interoperability issues…

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