New Ceph Foundation associate member: SWITCH


Eight months ago the Ceph Foundation was announced with 31 founding organization members to create an open, collaborative, and neutral home for project stakeholders to coordinate their development and community investments in the Ceph ecosystem.  Since then, three more members have joined, two as General members and one as an Associate member.

Today we're excited to announce our newest associate member of the Foundation, SWITCH.

SWITCH stands for greater capability, convenience and security in the digital world. As an independent partner, SWITCH connects and aggregates the know-how of all stakeholders in and beyond the academic world. SWITCH works with them to develop and enhance comprehensive ICT solutions that add value for everyone involved.

Based on our core competencies in networks, security and identity management, SWITCH offers collaboratively developed ICT solutions that empower users in and beyond the academic world to achieve leading edge results in a globally competitive environment.

It is the following three characteristics that make SWITCH unique: its collaboration in the form of a partnership with the university and the Internet community, its integrated offering and its legal form of a foundation.

The Ceph Foundation is organized as a directed fund under the Linux Foundation. Premier and General Member organizations contribute a yearly fee to become members. Associate members are educational institutions or government organizations and are invited to join at no cost.

The Governing Board consists of all Premier members, a representative for the General members, a representative for the Associate members, and a representative from the Ceph Leadership Team (the technical governance body).

If you're interested in learning more about the Foundation or you're considering your organization in joining, please visit the Foundation page for more information.