HOWTO setup a postgresql server on Ubuntu 14.04


In the context of the teuthology (the integration test framework for Ceph, there needs to be a PostgreSQL available, locally only, with a single user dedicated to teuthology. It can be setup from a new Ubuntu 14.04 install with:

sudo apt-get -qq install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib

if ! sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql status ; then sudo mkdir -p /etc/postgresql sudo chown postgres /etc/postgresql sudo -u postgres pg_createcluster 9.3 paddles sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start fi if ! psql --command 'select 1' \ 'postgresql://paddles:paddles@localhost/paddles' > /dev/null then sudo -u postgres psql \ -c "CREATE USER paddles with PASSWORD 'paddles';" sudo -u postgres createdb -O paddles paddles fi

If anyone knows of a simpler way to do the same thing, I’d be very interested to know about it.