How many PGs in each OSD of a Ceph cluster ?


To display how many PGs in each OSD of a Ceph cluster:

$ ceph --format xml pg dump | \ xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//pg_stats/pg_stat/acting" -v osd -n | \ sort -n | uniq -c 332 0 312 1 299 2 326 3 291 4 295 5 316 6 311 7 301 8 313 9

Where xmlstarlet loops over each PG acting set ( -m “//pg_stats/pg_stat/acting” ) and displays the OSDs it contains (-v osd), one by line (-n). The first column is the number of PGs in which the OSD in the second column shows.
To restrict the display to the PGs belonging to a given pool:

ceph --format xml pg dump | \ xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//pg_stats/pg_stat[starts-with(pgid,'0.')]/acting" -v osd -n | \ sort -n | uniq -c

Where 0. is the prefix of each PG that belongs to pool 0.